Gravity SL PGS: The Trials Prove Effective Results

Turf and ornamental professionals rely on plant growth stimulants to produce thicker, greener turf and healthier, more robust plants. Heritage PPG's Gravity SL PGS is the go-to stimulant for golf course superintendents, ornamental professionals and athletic field managers.

We don't promote Gravity SL PGS simply as a product for sales purposes. Every product we produce has been tested and proven to deliver maximum results.

Gravity SL PGS is no different.

It has gone through trial after trial not only in the lab but also in the field in real-world conditions. Let's have a look at some of the trials and how the data backs Gravity PGS as a must-have for professionals looking for the highest-quality turf and ornamentals year after year.

Gravity SL PGS: What Exactly Is It?

It contains hormone compounds to stimulate plant growth:

  • Cytokinin (0.09%): Promotes cell division while slowing leaf aging
  • Gibberellic acid (0.03%): Stimulates cell division
  • Indole butyric acid “IBA” (0.045%): Stimulates vigorous root formation and development

For turf applications during establishment, stress, pre-winter for hardiness, pre-tournament green-up, apply at a rate of 0.1-0.20 fl oz per 1,000 square feet.

For ornamental applications, apply over the top for enhanced rooting and establishment at a rate of 75 fl oz per 100 gallons.

Now let's get to the trials…

Gravity PGS leads to greater total germination and coverage.

Plots were treated with Gravity PGS alone, as well as with a combination of PGS and Gravity 18-3-6. Other plots were treated with Gravity 18-3-6 alone, and a separate plot was left untreated.

The plots treated with the combination of Gravity 18-3-6 and Gravity SL PGS showed the greatest results, providing 80 percent cover and enhancing the overall germination of the seed.

Gravity PGS improves turf quality.

Plots were treated with Gravity PGS and all commercially available plant growth regulators. The average turf quality across all treatments was greater on some dates when treated in combination with Gravity PGS and always as good as PGR-only plots.

Gravity SL PGS enhances root mass.

Plots were treated with Gravity PGS and various PGRs. The overall root mass declined over the summertime. Gravity PGS treatments had greater root mass at both measurement times, and they were able to maintain more of the root mass throughout the summer.

Gravity SL PGS enhances aeration recovery.

Plots were aerated and then immediately treated with a combination of urea and Gravity SL PGS, as well as urea alone or nothing. The plots receiving Gravity SL PGS had the quickest overall recovery.

Gravity PGS is a No-Brainer in Turf and Ornamental Care

There are even more benefits for using Gravity SL PGS in your turf and ornamental programs.

  • It doesn't influence Primo regulation in bermudagrass fairways. The plots were treated with a combination of Gravity PGS and Primo. Gravity PGS didn't significantly increase clippings, even when the plots were treated with Primo.
  • It doesn't alter trinexapac-ethyl regulation. Trinexapac-ethyl-only treated plots had less clippings than the untreated control and the fewest clippings of any treatment. The plots receiving fertilizer and/or Gravity PGS had the most clippings. The combination of Gravity PGS and trinexapac-ethyl did not increase clippings and still showed effective regulation.

Gravity SL PGS is the most effective product on the market for producing a quicker green-up, stronger roots and healthier turf and ornamentals. It can be used most anywhere, from athletic fields to golf courses and commercial lawns. Whether you're a landscape professional or an ornamental specialist, adding Gravity PGS to your program will greatly improve your turf and plants through the seasons.

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